Versati Outdoor Unit
Product Description
The heat pump Versati is the newest advanced technology by GREE for the thermohydraulic domestic systems. It is a kind of multifunctional inverter heat pump which not only can offer cold/ warm air, but also hot sanitary water even by integration with solar pannels and radiant floor heating systems.
The system consists of an outdoor unit comprising a compressor, a water storage tank of 200 or 200 lt and the indoor unit, all componenrs are controlled by the electronic central controller. The principle of its operation according to the Twin Rotary DC Inverter technology is the transfer of heat from the interior environment to achieve cooling and reverse function, to heat the air in the internal environment and the production of domestic hot water by increasing energy savings. Inverter technology enables the regulation of functions according to the needs of users, reaching maximum energy efficiency with COP of 4.5. Versati operates with ecological refrigerant type R410, this system is able to guarantee its performance normally even at -20 ° C!

Kompresor DC Inverter me rotacion te dyfishte I cili krijon kushte komforte qendrimi ne ambient dhe kursen energji; Valvul ekspansioni elektronike e cila garanton qe sistemi te pershtatet automatikisht sipas ndryshimeve te temperatures se ajrit dhe ujit; Teknologji e kontrollit te temperatures me ane te sensorit te dyfishte te temperatures; Funksion i disinfektimit ne temperature te larte prej deri ne 70°C per te parandaluar rritjen e bakterieve dhe te siguroje uje sanitar te paster; Bobinat e dyfishta mundesojne lidhjen me paneli diellor ose bolierin; Pese modalitete operimi: ngrohje, ftohje, ngrohje uji, ngrohje dhe ngrohje uji, ftohje dhe ngrohje uji.